Masonic Past Master’s Association of the Hamilton Districts
“Open to all Past Masters”
Objective: To enhance the Masonry of all Past Masters of the Craft.
(The Hamilton Districts in particular).
President: R.W. Bro. Michael R. Martin
Immediate Past President: W. Bro. Joseph Barker
1st Vice President: R.W. Bro. Zavar Byramjee
2nd Vice President: V.W. Bro. Dale Chapman, FCF
Treasurer: R.W. Bro. Geoffrey Allan
Secretary: R.W. Bro. Thomas Peddle
For details regarding the dates and locations of the PMA regular meetings and the Annual General Meeting & Meet the Candidates, please visit The Past Masters’ Association of the Hamilton Districts website.
The Masonic Past Masters’ Association of the Hamilton Districts
In 1902, the Past Masters of the lodges in Hamilton District 8 instituted an association to promote visitation and harmony among the Past Masters of the district. As a result of continual interest and growth in Masonry, District 8 was divided in 1923 into Hamilton A and Hamilton B and by 1974, it was necessary to create a third district, District C. Throughout this time, the Past Masters’ Association held to its mission of promoting, developing and disseminating the principles of Masonry and the opportunity for fellowship and education.
As of March 2019 the Association has 205 members with an almost equal balance of Officers, Directors and members from each of the three Hamilton districts. The D.D.G.M.s of Districts A, B and C are all ex-officio Directors of the Associations, as is the president of the Craft Association of the Hamilton Masonic Districts. The membership fee is a nominal amount making membership accessible to all past masters. Membership has great advantages.
Over the last few years, our meeting format has evolved into four breakfast meetings and a Friday Night A.G.M. in May or June. The breakfast meetings have always included an interesting guest speaker. Our A.G.M. dinner meeting gives the brethren an opportunity to meet those brethren who are running for the various offices of Grand Lodge. This is always a highlight and the new executive of the Past Masters’ Association are chosen.
As a member of the Past Masters’ Association, you will find that it, like the York and Scottish Rite, is part of our logical progression through Masonry. On the night of our initiation into Masonry we may have initially found that we were surrounded by many men that we did not know, but it soon became apparent that these fellows were going to become friends. As we became more involved within our lodge, we discovered these friendships grew, so that we became brothers. By accompanying our D.D.G.M. on his official visits, we met and got to know Masons from the other lodges within our district.
The Past Masters’ Association provides that further opportunity to expand our Masonic contacts, meet brethren who have also had the experience of being Worshipful Master and learn about and visit lodges within the other Hamilton Districts.
Why wouldn’t you want to be a member of the Past Masters’ Association?