R. W. Bro. Brian J. Muir Biography

 Brian began his Masonic journey well before he became a Mason. His father, Grandfather, Uncle and many friends in his local community of Tapleytown were masons. They all had an influence on Brian, especially the Masons of Tapleytown United Church. After graduating McMaster University and marrying his high school sweetheart (Lisa), Brian was initiated in April 1985 by his father, Wor. Bro. James I. Muir and became a member of T.H. Simpson Lodge No. 692. Brian then started in the Officers chairs and was placed in the chair of King Soloman, by his Uncle, R.W. Bro. David M. Muir PDDGM Niagara District A in 1993. He served as Worshipful Master of T.H. Simpson Lodge again in 2004.

Brian also served as District Secretary Hamilton B District 2000-2001 for R.W. Bro. Robert E. Kerr. In July 2001 Brian was appointed Grand Steward. This turned out to be the final appointment for T.H. Simpson Lodge No. 692 as in 2006 T.H. Simpson Lodge amalgamated with Wentworth Lodge No. 166 (the mother Lodge). Brian has held a number of Officer positions for Wentworth Lodge including Treasurer, Secretary and Worshipful Master (serving a 4 year term 2018-2021). Also Brian continued to serve Hamilton B District as the District Treasurer for 16 of the past 17 years. This has given Brian a lot of experience in working with many outstanding PDDGM’s and their teams. Brian is a 32degree Scottish Rite Mason and currently an Officer of the Murton Lodge of Perfection Hamilton Valley. He is also a member of St. John’s Chapter No. 6 of the Royal Arch.

After graduating with a degree in Economics in 1981, Brian began his working career at Westinghouse Canada working in the Accounting dept. In 1994 the division in which he worked was sold to Eaton Corporation. So between Westinghouse and Eaton, Brian worked for 42 years in various positions in Accounting & Finance, Supply Chain and Facilities Manager.

Brian, together with his wife Lisa, raised their 3 children, David, Charlissa and Jason and our now enjoying their 3 grandchildren with 2 more coming soon. Both Brian and Lisa are enjoying their retirement.

Thank-you to the Masons of Hamilton B District for the honour and privledge of being able to serve as your District Deputy Grand Master for 2024-2025. I am truly looking forward to writing the next chapter in my masonic journey as well as assisting in the final chapter for Hamilton B District for with the realignment of the 3 Hamilton Districts and renaming the 2 new districts which will take effect July 2025, Hamilton B District will be no more.

Goals & Initiatives:

– Increase Lodge visibility and benevolence in each community.

– Facilitate a smooth and successful transition to a new re-aligned District.

– Promote good ritual work and successful Lodge programs

– Encourge the use of Masonic Education resources

– Honour Hamilton B District history

– Have Fun!